The Importance of VPAT Reports

In the competitive landscape of technology procurement, demonstrating a product's accessibility can make the difference between a winning bid and a losing one.  

The Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT®) provides a standardized framework for vendors to communicate how their offerings align with established accessibility standards. By obtaining a VPAT report from a reputable third-party expert, organizations not only showcase their commitment to inclusivity but also position themselves favorably to buyers that prioritize accessible solutions.  

This article will explain what a VPAT report is, and why this documentation can be crucial for driving business. We'll also unpack what exactly a VPAT report contains, and the value of engaging with an expert to create one. 

What is a VPAT report? 

A VPAT report is a self-assessment document that helps organizations communicate the accessibility features of software and hardware products. The report follows a standardized format to ensure transparency and consistency in how accessibility information is conveyed. It also details the extent to which a product meets accessibility criteria and highlights any areas where improvements are needed. 

Vendors and service providers use VPATs to demonstrate conformance to accessibility standards, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). This documentation assists government agencies and other organizations in making informed procurement decisions that support compliance with accessibility laws such as Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. 

Why is a VPAT report important? 

Developing and maintaining an accurate VPAT report provides several key benefits for organizations: 

  1. Meeting procurement requirements: Many government agencies and large enterprises require vendors to provide completed VPATs as part of the RFP process. 
  2. Market competitiveness: VPAT reports demonstrate an organization’s commitment to accessibility, attracting a wider range of clients, including those focused on inclusivity. 
  3. Improved usability: The process of creating a VPAT encourages organizations to evaluate and improve their product's accessibility features, ultimately enhancing usability for all. 

What’s in a VPAT report? 

  1. Accessibility conformance table: This table lists various accessibility criteria based on WCAG and describes how the product meets them. The product’s conformance with each criterion is rated using the following terminology: 
  2. Supports: The product fully meets the requirement. 
  3. Partially Supports: The product meets the requirement with some exceptions. 
  4. Does Not Support: The product does not meet the requirement. 
  5. Not Applicable: The criterion does not apply to the product. 
  6. Explanations and remarks: This section offers more detailed explanations of the items listed in the conformance table. It includes descriptions of how the product meets or does not meet each criterion, notes on any workarounds or alternative solutions available for accessibility issues, any known limitations, and plans for future improvements. 
  7. Legal disclaimer: This statement clarifies that the VPAT report is a self-assessment and does not guarantee full compliance. 

The Information Technology Industry Council provides up-to-date VPAT templates on their website. Different templates are available for specific types of organizations, such as U.S. federal government contractors and those operating in the European Union. 

How should your organization approach VPAT creation? 

Organizations take varied approaches to developing VPAT reports. However, a VPAT report from a reputable third-party expert provides the most objective representation of a product's accessibility and is generally regarded as more credible by buyers. 

After completing the VPAT process, many organizations choose to invest in ongoing training and accessibility enhancements to stay aligned with evolving standards. By adopting a proactive approach, your organization can ensure that its digital products remain accessible in the long run. 

VPAT reports: A documented commitment to accessibility 

Investing in accessibility by obtaining a VPAT report is about more than just meeting regulatory requirements and winning deals. It's about building a future where digital inclusion is the standard. Organizations that prioritize accessibility not only enhance their reputation but also gain a competitive edge by reaching a broader audience. Start your accessibility journey today and position your business as a leader in digital inclusivity.